TRAPS A Rudimentary Approach TRAPS
A Rudimentary Approach.

Sal Sofia Publications, 1982.


Because modern music is so developed, the knowledge of musical
drum set study is a must.  Without adequate foundation and training
this type of drum set analysis and playing can be a very difficult,
frustrating chore rather than the enjoyable, soul-expressing art it
has evolved to be.

"TRAPS, A Rudimentary Approach" was written to impart the full musical
significance of the rudiments to the student drummer.  What they
are,  how they originate, their total capacity is completely developed
musically.  They are thought of in a different way and studied
to be recognized out of their traditional context.  They are not
considered as just a rhythm which to keep marching time on the
snare drum but through a gradual breaking down and a natural recycling,
the rhythm is displaced on the entire trap set to provide very
artfully for articulate drum set expression.

TRAPS offers a vocabulary builder of modern drum sounds for all
styles and demonstrates how the drummer can create sounds that
reflect his own personality, style and intellect.  As the twenty-six

letters of the alphabet form the words, phrases and sentences with
which we verbally communicate, the twenty-six American rudiments,
as exemplified in "TRAPS, A Rudimentary Approach", form the beats,
any style through your drums.

Along with the gradual rudimental development is the gradual
improvement of the techniques used to play what we are learning.
Solid time keeping through metronome monitoring, ear training to
the new sounds created, linear coordination through independent
four-limb playing are all methodically developed.  Reading drum
set music is systematically demonstrated and explained, as well
as the basic fundamentals of drum set playing are defined.

This book truly lays the solid musical foundation necessary for
traps set players to not only learn and cope, but, set the trend
in drum set playing.

I sincerely hope that you profit from the stimuli offered here in TRAPS.

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