The ten snare drum
solo studies presented in this book are
designed to increase the phraseology of the trap set player while
sharpening site reading and recognition of certain patterns. In
by becoming aware of and identifying those sounds
you have heard thousands of times from your favorite drummer, and from
other instrumentalists as well, you will learn to see "phrasing", not
isolated, single notes, but groups of notes that, in turn, are grouped
motives and thematic phrases.
The importance of phrasing in music cannot be stressed enough
and it's usage is not limited to the drummer only. Phrasing is
the language of all musicians that allows them to communicate with one
another in a playing situation. Expressive, eloquent and articulate
phrasing is the goal of every improviser, composer and teacher working
in this area.
As preparation for these ten solo studies, it is helpful to analyze a
few measures
of the phrases, calling attention to such organizing principles and
devices, such as repetition of ideas, the "set up" or "lead in" to the
phrase, the "turn around", and so on.
Here are some additional pointers that will help as you study the
phrasing material in this book:
Do each study in its entirety. Do not stop to make
Stopping breaks the performance flow and leads to bad habits.
isolate the weak spots and practice them for perfection. Then,
the entire study correctly before moving to the next.
Always look ahead, that is, do not keep your eyes on the notes you
are playing. Try to read in groups of phrases rather then a
series of
single notes.
As you become more familiar with the phrases you will no doubt
want to
modify some and stretch some on the trap set. I would suggest
you notate
as you hear them in your mind.
In conclusion, phrasing is an acquired skill that demands practice and
concentration, like any other subject in music. You should give
attention to recognizing the phrases when practicing, practice
regularly and listen to how other musicians apply phrasing in their
solos and group performances.